My intent for my video is to project the sense of interconnectedness through a performance piece in which I display my interconnectivity with the universe. What I mean by interconnectivity is a feeling of oneness with all that exists and is being perceived. Hence the name of my piece because when you perceive oneness everything breathes and pulses in your wake, as you are breathing and pulsing. Now, when truly experiencing and feeling oneness I believe there are three key ingredients. First, one would be any activity that brings you to a higher state of consciousness whatever that may be for a specific person. For me personally, hooping brings me to an altered state of mind because I must let the hoop act as a body part that flows with me while I dance. I’m not dancing with the hoop I am my hoop. Not only does hooping allow me to feel oneness, but it is also incredibly beautiful which is why I decided I wanted to create a performance piece that involved hooping. The second ingredient is to have knowledge and true wisdom on the dependency and connectivity of all matter. I think this concept can be grasped in picturing a matrix of sort connecting all matter, like a web. Essentially, being able to realize that reality is constructed in a web and every strand connects each to all. This web or matrix is demonstrated on my face in the video and is the visible representation of what I’m constantly connected too. The next ingredient is having an open heart or being receptive to energy. This energy is constantly flowing throughout the web and accessible to anyone whenever they want it, the trick is being open to it. One of the most beautiful things that energy enables humans to do is to communicate feeling because the only way to receive energy is to feel it, you can’t see it, hear it, or taste it just like when we feel an emotion…emotion is energy! My painting is a representation of the pure loving energy that flows through the matrix connecting us to everything that is. I chose to paint in order to represent the energy because I most favorably communicate my feelings through 2 dimensional visual arts.
My intent for my video is to project the sense of interconnectedness through a performance piece in which I display my interconnectivity with the universe. What I mean by interconnectivity is a feeling of oneness with all that exists and is being perceived. Hence the name of my piece because when you perceive oneness everything breathes and pulses in your wake, as you are breathing and pulsing. Now, when truly experiencing and feeling oneness I believe there are three key ingredients. First, one would be any activity that brings you to a higher state of consciousness whatever that may be for a specific person. For me personally, hooping brings me to an altered state of mind because I must let the hoop act as a body part that flows with me while I dance. I’m not dancing with the hoop I am my hoop. Not only does hooping allow me to feel oneness, but it is also incredibly beautiful which is why I decided I wanted to create a performance piece that involved hooping. The second ingredient is to have knowledge and true wisdom on the dependency and connectivity of all matter. I think this concept can be grasped in picturing a matrix of sort connecting all matter, like a web. Essentially, being able to realize that reality is constructed in a web and every strand connects each to all. This web or matrix is demonstrated on my face in the video and is the visible representation of what I’m constantly connected too. The next ingredient is having an open heart or being receptive to energy. This energy is constantly flowing throughout the web and accessible to anyone whenever they want it, the trick is being open to it. One of the most beautiful things that energy enables humans to do is to communicate feeling because the only way to receive energy is to feel it, you can’t see it, hear it, or taste it just like when we feel an emotion…emotion is energy! My painting is a representation of the pure loving energy that flows through the matrix connecting us to everything that is. I chose to paint in order to represent the energy because I most favorably communicate my feelings through 2 dimensional visual arts.