Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kaila Fearey's French Braid Animation ANGLES


  1. 1. transformation, not everyone can do it.
    2. only hair is moving, not person, background does not change, braiding hair takes normally longer.
    3. No hand in pictures, Different frame, only hair, neutral background.
    4. Idea, basic idea but cool looking.
    hair look good :)

  2. Impressive skills! Shoot it in the studio? What if the braid kept going (different things braided in?-- reminds me a bit of Janine Antoni, the artists who walked the tightrope... the rope she made had pieces of her life and things from her friends wound into the rope What if there are different people, styling their own hair? What other odd things do women learn to do by feel (putting on lipstick without a mirror? zipping the back zipper of a dress?


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